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Nobility-Triple Stone Protection Bracelet


Black Obsidian | Green Jade | Rhodochrosite


Stone: Rhodochrosite

Composition: This stone has a trigonal system that grows in Argentina's silver mines. It is also known as Rosa del Inca.


Quick Description:

Rhodochrosite is a stone of self-love. It teaches us to be open to new ways of loving ourselves and become more open to the infinite love surrounding us.



Rhodochrosite assists us in placing ourselves first and being honest about our goals and intentions. Wearing this stone can assist one in feeling comfortable expressing emotions. We become easier to love when we are authentic with our desires. This stone invokes the wise and fierce maternal nature of the divine, so we feel free to truly rest in the creative energy of the universe and feel whole again.



Rhodochrosite creates space in our mental energy centers by clearing out all thoughts rooted in fear. We become more open to the expansiveness of the universe when we trust and acknowledge that all things are working together in divine synchronicity for our good. Rhodochrosite also encourages excitement about new ideas and can assist in restoring or recreating a passion for life. This stone encourages our curiosities.


Affirmation/Concentrated Energy:

Rhodochrosite teaches us to "Know thyself, love thyself."

My spirit grows as I treat myself and others with loving compassion.



Rhodochrosite shares the message that divine love is pure and fears nothing.



Be true to yourself. Know your connection to divinity.




Stone: Obsidian


Obsidian is created by lava cooling. Its energy draws you in gently but deeply.


Quick Description:

Obsidian carries a vital grounding energy that connects us to the essential nature of our being and existence. This grounding nature brings a sense of calm and support to the wearer.



Like all dark stones, Obsidian is grounding and absorbs negative energy. This stone draws out mental stress and tension to be transformed into a higher vibration.



Obsidian encourages integrity in thought and action and protects against any energy or efforts to distort reality. Obsidian helps us to see the truth in situations and to change restricting beliefs and behavioral patterns.


Affirmation/Concentrated Energy:

Powerful Protection | Gentle Healing | Fortification



Take charge of your life, understand the truth of who you are







Green Jade

Green Jade is a heart chakra stone that is protective, nurturing, and facilitates harmony.



Protection | Heart healing | Tranquility



Peace | Clarity | Harmony


Affirmation/Concentrated Energy:

All of my relationships are filled with harmony and good fortune.



Green Jade is a supportive stone for all relationships, with a high concentration on the primary relationship: the relationship with the self.


Guidance: We cannot give others what we have abandoned or will not acknowledge within ourselves.



    Black Obsidian | Green Jade | Rhodochrosite 

    The Temperance card in the tarot displays an angel whose gender is not apparent, suggesting a balance between the sexes. One foot of the angel is in water to represent the subconscious, while the other is on dry land, meaning the material world. On their robe is a square with a triangle inscribed inside, another echo of the tangible earth in union with the holy trinity. She holds two cups in a manner where she can mix the waters, which represent the super and subconscious minds. The water flows between them, suggesting union and infinity.

    Everything about this card represents balance, the perfect harmony from the union of dualities. They advise testing any new waters before jumping into the deep end.

    Temperance also embodies the energy of the zodiac sign Sagittarius: the wise sage.


    Shipping time 5-7 days

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