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Spiritual readings: How to prepare

Updated: Mar 28

When we call upon spiritual guidance, we deepen receptivity to divine assistance. When we work with a psychic reader or diviner, we agree to open energy fields to be observed by another. Scheduling a session with a spiritual reader can be a great way to share the weight of life and allow someone to assist us in unraveling life's complications.

During spiritual readings, your guide connects with universal knowledge on your behalf to assist you along your journey. My personal gifts are intuitive reading and ancestral divination. That means, while I can "read" cards and stars, I'm not simply a card reader. My primary guidance comes through Divine intelligence, intuitive direction, and advice from my spiritual team.

Here's how to prepare.


Clarity: Intention First

The reader brings insight to the session; your responsibility is to be ready to receive. Be clear about your goals; you'll have clarity on what you've gained as the reading is closed out. Make your session both valuable and enjoyable by coming with a goal in mind.


Communication: A Two-way street

You will undoubtedly hear a wealth of information as your reading unfolds.

Take notes.

While our readers will have much to offer, you must communicate your needs as the reading progresses. If you have only received partial insight after your inquiry, it is acceptable to rephrase or change your question. The best readers may help you to do this, but you must be honest with your presentation. If you are holding back (depending on the reading methods used), that issue may also arise as the reading unfolds. This brings us to our next topic: curiosity.


Curiosity: Ask questions

Every reading varies depending on who is sitting across from me and what the goal is. If you need help understanding or reframing what comes up, ask for clarification.

This is your reading;

make sure you actively participate and engage to take away what you need. Your interpretation of my counsel is just as important as my insight.


Choices: Various approaches and possibilities

The insight in spiritual readings brings us possibilities for moving forward. There is never only one approach to an issue; however, depending on your goal, there may be a most advantageous route. You are responsible for guidance from your Higher Self, your Spirit team, or any other counsel to validate and verify the information you've received.

Understand the power of choice: If you do nothing, nothing changes.

At the close of your reading, you may ask for different approaches on the best way to charge forward.



Readings can be intense. We understand this and honor the courage it takes for you to allow me to assist in your internal investigation. Our approach is based in the spirit of divine love and requires layers of consent. We will never go further in your reading than you are willing.

Growth can be triggering, yet sharing the load of life in a reading can help redistribute the weight.



What come ups in your reading stays there and is not discussed with others outside of our session (unless you bring it up in front of others). Why? It is your life, your details, and your choice and level of disclosure beyond our meeting. In general readings can get very personal (which is why we require additional layers of consent for group sessions).


Comprehensive Approach

Each reading is tailored to your specific needs; all reading types we offer come with some version of a complimentary follow up. You do not have to go on this journey alone. Its is our desire to offer you the proper and appropriate support and guidance you need.

We support optimization, and if that more than one session, we are prepared to provide it. However if we are not the best fit, we understand.

(Now I'm writing in first person because Spirit said so:)

If you believe I am too close to your situation to be your reader there are other options available for you. I know that you trust me, yet your comfort is more important than my ego.

This link will take you to a highly vetted and gifted guide that I know and trust, but with whom I share no personal details. A spiritual peer and general acquaintance with whom I do not typically converse (a.k.a. "they don't know me like that" so there's no possibility we've spoken about your situation. At all).

My integrity is on the line not only with the work I do but also with my referrals out.

Your soul is much more expansive and important than our connection and human nature (both yours and mine). I'm committed to do what it takes to move any potential blockages out of the way.

Here's why (back to chief stewardess mode):

We take an intentional approach to our work because we understand the importance of the journey.

While we offer guidance with zeal, fervor, grace, and kindness you are the ultimate authority in your life.

Take what applies.

Leave the rest.

Then take action.

With grace, honor, and truth,

Amaka Robinique LaStarra

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